When it comes to running I would consider myself an "occasional" runner. Meaning I like to run when the time is right! And the time is right when.... the sun is shinning and it's above 6o degrees!
When I go for a run I'm not concerned about how many miles I'm logging in or how fast I need to go. I'm running for the pure satisfaction of it! I love to sweat and check out the scenery!
These are my 3 must haves when I run........
A good pair of shoes! I recently purchased these beauties. They are part of the Brooks PureProject line and are working to promote a natural stride. I've only logged a few miles on them, but they are holding up great!
A reliable running partner! Lately it's been my trusty golden-doodle Murphy.
and the open road.....
I am definitely not as hard core as Julia, but I still love a good run and love the benefits of running. In addition to my personal running I also help to promote running to young girls. I have been a Girls on the Run coach for several years and LOVE it!
A spoon full from Julia...
If you had asked me two years ago to go for a run with you I would have said "NO THANK YOU!" Running was not on my workout routine, and I would never thought that would become a passion in the future. For my whole life this was my passion...And still is! But unfortunatelly tennis was put on the back burner. I try to get some court time a few times a month. With a daughter, a job, a husband and a dog it gets kinda hard to find some free time! :)
Being a fitness instructor I wanted to find some kind of workout that could provide some ME time, something that I could just realx into it, and loose myself into my thoughts. So after I had Holly I decided to give running a try. My first race was a 10K and after that I was hooked! (I know everybody says that, but hey, it's true!). I remember thinking 6 miles was such a long way to go! After a few more races including a half marathon, I can truly say I found something that can stick with me for a long time, something that I can always get better at it (I am super competitive) and keep me sane!
One gadget that I can't run without is my Garmin. If I didn't have it I don't think I would be running such long distances! I just love to be able to stay at my goal pace, even at practice runs.
Having running partners is also super important to me. It is great to have somebody waiting for you in the morning so you have no excuses to cuddle in bed for a couple more hours! I always try to get a group of girls for our Saturday long runs, it makes it much more enjoyable!
Why do YOU run???
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